Geospatial Network Inventory Solutions
GE Digital’s Smallworld Network Inventory solutions provide a GIS-based solution that allows you to accelerate your network operations with a comprehensive and integrated view of your entire network.
GE Digital’s Smallworld geospatial solutions move beyond the traditional bounds of a GIS. With more than 25 years' experience and proven geospatial network-based models and business solutions, GE Digital offers today's telecommunication companies and utilities elegant business solutions and software to model end-to-end network connectivity, manage data workflows and infrastructure challenges throughout the entire network asset lifecycle.
Geospatial Solutions for Electric
Smallworld Electric Office is a proven, scalable solution with data quality and integrity enforced to support a fully connected, phase aware, network model that is the solid foundation for your grid modernization and network modeling needs.
Geospatial Solutions for Gas Distribution and Pipeline
Gas Distribution and Global Transmission Offices are a Fully integrated suite of industry solutions that help plan, design, analyze and maintain gas and transmission /pipeline networks and related assets.
GE Digital’s Smallworld Network Inventory solutions provide a GIS-based solution that allows you to accelerate your network operations with a comprehensive and integrated view of your entire network.
Water Office allows you to manage the complete water cycle infrastructure effectively, deliver performance and innovation, and guarantee consistent service to all your customers.
GE’s Geospatial Analysis provides utility and telecom operators an advanced analysis and reporting environment, revealing business insights from complex network data. GSA offers easy and efficient access to data from distinct, distributed spatial and non-spatial systems. This data can be shared across the enterprise, empowering a wide range of users with visualization, query, analysis and reporting capabilities.
GE Smallworld Electric Office is a proven, scalable solution with data quality and integrity enforced to support a fully connected, phase aware, network model that is the solid foundation for your grid modernization and network modeling needs.
Optimize new build plans to ensure network is built cost effectively while taking into consideration various planning and design alternatives.
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Explore how GIS can help your organization solve industrial challenges. We expand more potential on your industrial data that you have within your reach.
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